December 2022 (Monthly Agrometeorologicals)

According to the weather forecast for the coming month of January 2023, the Bega season dry, sunny and wind weather condition couple with cold night and morning is likely to be continued in the coming month over the highland areas of the country. The probable dry weather condition up to the end of the month is likely to favour for completing the on-going post-harvest activities. Moreover related with the dry, windy and cloud free condition might encourage cold weather at night and morning time during the month over some high land areas of the country. This condition is likely to be detrimental negative effect on the overall performance of vegetables, fruits and perennial plants. Therefore, farmers are advised to be ready to take the necessary measures so as to maintain the plant environment as warm as possible. On the other hand the expected moisture over north-eastern, eastern, central, southern parts of SNNPR and south-western parts of the country are likely to getting light to moderate amount of rainfall due to the approach of certain rain bearing Belg season weather systems.